Top Three Benefits of Robotic Surgery

Top Three Benefits of Robotic Surgery

When you are told you must have surgery, a million thoughts run through your mind, including: How long will recovery take? How big of a scar will I have? How much pain will I be in? These are certainly valid thoughts that you should address with your surgeon. However,...
Five Questions to Ask Before Your Child’s Surgery

Five Questions to Ask Before Your Child’s Surgery

No one likes receiving the news that their child needs surgery, regardless of whether if it’s removing tonsils or a tumor. Just the thought of surgery to a child is scary enough without even stepping into the operating room. Here is a list of five questions you should...
Surgeons and Fatherhood: Creating the Right Balance

Surgeons and Fatherhood: Creating the Right Balance

Creating the right work and home balance is very important in today’s society. We are all in a hurry to get through our days and then repeat the process again the next day. However, striking the right balance as a surgeon and a father is challenging due to the nature...
Breakfast Is More Important Than You Think

Breakfast Is More Important Than You Think

Having breakfast each morning has long been a recommended habit. For youngsters, a healthy breakfast provides energy and helps them concentrate. By being able to focus, students do better academically. However, the latest research also indicates that having breakfast...
Should We Worry About Screen Time for Our Kids?

Should We Worry About Screen Time for Our Kids?

Parental and societal concern with adolescent “screen time” seems to be the contemporary equivalent of an earlier generation’s worry over too much time in front of the television. As technology has advanced and media options have expanded, screen time has come to...
Ode to Christmas Eve Pancreatic Trauma

Ode to Christmas Eve Pancreatic Trauma

Twas the night before Christmas and I sat all alone, Because our fellow went North and never came home. The instruments were strung on the table with care, In hopes that anesthesia soon would be there. The chief was nestled all snug in his bed, While visions of...