Ode to Christmas Eve Pancreatic Trauma

Ode to Christmas Eve Pancreatic Trauma

Twas the night before Christmas and I sat all alone, Because our fellow went North and never came home. The instruments were strung on the table with care, In hopes that anesthesia soon would be there. The chief was nestled all snug in his bed, While visions of...
How Does Surgery Fix an Inguinal Hernia?

How Does Surgery Fix an Inguinal Hernia?

While anyone can get an inguinal hernia, it’s a condition that affects males more often than females. The inguinal canal is different in males than in females. In males, the inguinal canal runs the length between the abdomen and the scrotum and holds the...


Though uncommon, gastroschisis is a birth defect that can cause significant health consequences for infants born with the condition. What is This Condition? Gastroschisis occurs when a hole develops in an unborn baby’s abdominal wall. In most instances, the...
Technology Advancements in the Operating Room

Technology Advancements in the Operating Room

As technology continues to become more advanced and evolved, it allows the health industry to take significant strides. When it comes to surgery, robots were first introduced in the 2000s in certain surgical fields. There’s now more of a future for using robots...
How To Pick The Right Surgeon

How To Pick The Right Surgeon

Needing surgery is scary on its own. The idea of researching and choosing a surgeon can make it that much more overwhelming. While there is always the potential for complications and injuries, most experts believe that many surgical injuries and complications are...