Innovations Changing Pediatrics

Innovations Changing Pediatrics

In 2020, new technologies were quietly making a difference in the lives of children’s hospitals across the country. While the pandemic was raging, new tools and techniques were introduced to improve kids’ care. In today’s fast-paced and constantly...
Should We Worry About Screen Time for Our Kids?

Should We Worry About Screen Time for Our Kids?

Parental and societal concern with adolescent “screen time” seems to be the contemporary equivalent of an earlier generation’s worry over too much time in front of the television. As technology has advanced and media options have expanded, screen time has come to...
Technology Advancements in the Operating Room

Technology Advancements in the Operating Room

As technology continues to become more advanced and evolved, it allows the health industry to take significant strides. When it comes to surgery, robots were first introduced in the 2000s in certain surgical fields. There’s now more of a future for using robots...