Is Chocolate Good For You?

Is Chocolate Good For You?

I have a sweet tooth and I love chocolate. I’ve just shared my favorite chocolate dessert here. But then I wonder, as a doctor and passionate cook, is chocolate bad or good for me? I found an article that claims 7 health benefits of chocolate: Dark chocolate is loaded...
What Makes Children’s Hospitals Different?

What Makes Children’s Hospitals Different?

While all hospitals focus on the well-being of patients, treating traumatic injury, and acute and chronic disease, children’s hospitals differ from regular hospitals in several ways. Children have different physiology and needs than adults and require tailored...
A Child’s Trip to the OR

A Child’s Trip to the OR

I’ve written about what to ask before surgery and how to get your child ready for surgery. But what will the day of surgery actually be like? Knowledge is a great way to combat fear and anxiety. Let me walk you through the steps your child will go through (for...
What’s the Best Age to Repair a Cleft Lip or Palate?

What’s the Best Age to Repair a Cleft Lip or Palate?

No one knows exactly why a cleft lip or cleft palate occurs in infants, but science indicates that it could be a combination of DNA and other factors like the mother’s environment. The birth defects affect babies around the world, and in the United States alone,...
Necessary Cosmetic Pediatric Surgeries

Necessary Cosmetic Pediatric Surgeries

It’s a common misconception that plastic surgery is only for vain adults. The truth is plastic surgery can be life-changing, not just for adults but also children. Pediatric cosmetic surgeries can correct congenital and traumatic deformities and soft tissue...
Five Questions to Ask Before Your Child’s Surgery

Five Questions to Ask Before Your Child’s Surgery

No one likes receiving the news that their child needs surgery, regardless of whether if it’s removing tonsils or a tumor. Just the thought of surgery to a child is scary enough without even stepping into the operating room. Here is a list of five questions you should...