Children & Doctors: It Doesn’t Have to be Scary

Children & Doctors: It Doesn’t Have to be Scary

Visiting the doctor can be a stressful event for both caregiver and child, especially as the child enters an age that requires multiple shots and vaccines. While the anxiety and fear seem uncontrollable, there are actually many things parents can do to help prepare...
3 Things To Consider When Choosing A Pediatrician

3 Things To Consider When Choosing A Pediatrician

It’s imperative to select a pediatrician before bringing baby home from the hospital. It’s not an easy decision, especially since a child is such a precious gift. Most parents want to ensure that their little ones have the best care possible. Think of it...
A Child’s Trip to the OR

A Child’s Trip to the OR

I’ve written about what to ask before surgery and how to get your child ready for surgery. But what will the day of surgery actually be like? Knowledge is a great way to combat fear and anxiety. Let me walk you through the steps your child will go through (for...